Have mercy on me, O LORD;
see my affliction at the hands of them that hate me,
You who lift me from the gates of death;
A. Have mercy on me, O LORD;
It does not say KHANENI, but KHANENENI with three nun's, to intimate that the prayer - "Have mercy on me..." is said in reference to the three kingdoms.
1. Have mercy on me, O LORD;
now in exile.
2. You who lift me (up)...
with Your redemption.
1. [חָנַן] (chanan) -
in its basic meaning, denotes "a generous favor”.
The word [chan] in particular implies the idea of endowing someone with exceptional means and faculties for very specific purposes.
The word occurs especially with reference to an endowment with mental faculties.
We think that it must have the same meaning here.
“Behold,” says Israel, “behold my poverty and my position of dependence in society, which I suffer because of those who are the enemies of my existence and my aspirations. Behold my misery which will not leave, as long as their convictions and their ways of life are in such opposition to my own, so that they really wish that I might 'cease existing'. Thus I constantly walk alongside the precipice of destruction, over which only You can raise me. Behold this my state which is an inseparable part of my mission in the midst of the nations, grant me the mental faculty, the perception and understanding so essential for my perseverance in the position You have assigned me and for the proper discharge of the task which You have Set for me.”