ayyeleth hashachar...
The word "Ayyeleth" (Hind) is to be taken in the same sense as "Ayyelot" in - "God the Lord is my strength. He made my feet as the hind's [Ayyelot]..." (Habakkuk 3:19).
Rabbi Phinehas said, Scripture does not say here - like stags feet, but like hinds feet, because the feet of the female deer are surer than the feet of the male.
...sang Moshe and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord (Shemot - Exodus 15:1). So "...ayyeleth hashachar..." (the hind of dawn" means upon the rising of the sun, song.
..."Ayyeleth" (hind), when read as the plural [Ayyelot], maybe taken as referring to two women likend to hinds, to Deborah and to Esther.
To Deborah, who came from the tribe of Naphtali, Jacob meant her when he said: "Naphtali is a hind left loose" (Bereshit - Genesis 49:21).
In this Psalm, however, the hind of the morning refers to Esther.